Bill Barnes

I am 75 years old and over the years I have tried to make intelligent decisions over what a healthy diet is.  I have tried many foods as a result and spent most of my life as a Lacto Ovo Pescatarian. Three years ago I met Dodie Anderson and decided to give her diet recommendations a try.  At first, I limited most of my food choices to milk and orange juice.  I was very pleased with the results and so continued for a few months.  I then began to help with editing the many recipes that she had compiled into a cookbook.  At the same time, I began to try out some of those recipes.  I then helped to publish them on this website: has now expanded to what you see here.

What I, at this moment practice, has expanded to include the following:

My diet is based on keeping PUFAs (Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acids) to a minimum.  I see PUFAs as the root cause for inflammation and inflammation as the root cause for all kinds of disease.  I do this by reading labels and doing research.  The main source of PUFAs in our food supply is vegetable and seed oils.  My recommendation is to pay careful attention to what you eat and also keep these oils to a minimum. 

So what does my daily diet consist of?

Dairy (especially including at least a quart of 1% milk)

3 Eggs (usually scrambled with turmeric)

Fruit (whatever is available)

some Sourdough bread

well cooked vegetables

raw carrots

some meats

(all of the above are organic and/or animal products, free range which means they are not fed PUFAs)

I also take a few vitamins: (A, D3, and K2).

I start the day with a cup of green tea and a little cascara (to keep me regular).

I seem to be healthier than ever but its only been three years and so time will tell.

I will update this as things change and I learn more.