Based on the work of Ray Peat, Ph.D.
Are you wishing for better health?

The CONTRA DIET can help!

The Contra Diet is Contrary to other diets. 

It's not magic.  It's science.  

Pure and simple!  

Many people believe eating foods that are low in fats, sugars and starches are healthy choices.  They also believe eating plant-based proteins, whole grains and lots of raw vegetables and salads are good options.  Raymond Peat, Ph.D. believed quite the opposite and his research indicated strongly that these beliefs had no validity.  The Contra Diet is based on his research and advocates, as he did, that you experiment and try his recommendations for yourself.  This is why we created the Contra Diet for you!  The Four Cornerstones of the Contra Diet are a foundation to explore a new way of eating for healthier living.





Stable Fats

Antifungal and Antibacterial  Fibers


The Four Cornerstones of the Contra Diet are essential to living healthier and feeling better.  It's the science that brings on the magic!

Based on the scientific research of Raymond Peat, (Ph.D. in biology, with a specialization in physiology), the Contra Diet is truly contrary to many current dietary recommendations.

Here are some links to help you navigate this website:

Specific carbohydrates for your main fuel source:

Check out: Carbs

Specific proteins to build muscles and a strong body:

Check out: Proteins

Elimination of polyunsaturated fats as much as possible:

Check out: Fats

Dairy that contains a perfect balance of the above macronutrients (carbs, protein and fat) :

Check out: Dairy

Specific bacterial resistant fiber foods to eliminate inflammation:

Check out: Fiber

The Ray Peat Inspired Cook Book!

An array of recipes to assist you in implementing the Contra Diet

Check out:  Cook Book

Where and How To Begin!

Check out: Where to Begin

Like to cook?  

Check out : Menu Suggestions

Don’t like to cook?  

Check out: Grab and Go

Counting calories?

Check out: Calorie Calculators

Read Labels to Avoid Non-Foods
Check out:  Non Foods

Free Classes

Check out : Free Classes

DISCLAIMER: Dietary suggestions contained on this website are based on the Contra Diet.   Not all dietary suggestions are suitable for each individual.  We encourage you to consult your healthcare professional and pursue your own research before making any changes to your dietary or supplement routine.